When it comes to food for healthy skin

To acquire a healthy and beautiful skin an internal glow is very important to have it externally on the face. The secret to internal glow is nothing but nutritious food, and these will make you shine as well as would keep healthy and fit. Such types of foods are as follows:

Lean protein: Protein is an essential component needed for the cell repair and helps to keep weight gain under check. Fatty fish is the best source of lean protein available. On the other hand to possess a shiny glowing skin salmon, mackerel sardines and pilchards play a vital role as they contain high amount of healthy fatty acids. Cell membrane can also be kept healthy with omega-3s, which is an essential fatty acid, and this fatty acid also facilitates reduction of inflammatory agents produced by the body. These agents harm the skin by causing damage to it.

Healthy Fats: To maintain the youth or to keep it preserved antioxidants are required and fats and oils provide these. Fats and oils also aid anti-inflammatory protection. Other rich sources of healthy fats are mono and polyunsaturated fats such as walnuts, avocado, olive oils, olives, and almonds. Omega-3s that is an essential fatty acid is also found in good quantity in ground flaxseeds.

Low GI carbohydrates: carbs get concentrated in the body but it is required to maintain a healthy balance so one should always opt for minimal amount of it. Cereals, wholegrain breads made up of oats is forms a healthy as well as low GI option.  Whole-wheat pasta and quinoa, barley and bran are also good substitutes available. Fruits like raspberries strawberries etc and vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli and peppers are coated with high antioxidants that can damage the skin as it aim at free radicals.

The youthfulness of the skin can be retained only if it is protected from any sort of damage. Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A as well as of antioxidants, and one should consume good amount of it to increase the level of vitamin-A in the body as it provides healthy skin. If its intake is low healthy skin avoids you. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin as it is very essential for evolving and maintaining skin cells, hence its intake is very important. Sweet potato, peppers and broccoli are also well fitted in the category of good sources of vitamin-A. Other vitamins that can improvise skin condition are vitamin C, E, K and B and these vitamins are available in various fruits and vegetables.

Green Tea: It consists of plenty of antioxidants that work towards reduction of inflammation and also provides protection to the cell membranes. Skin gets badly damaged by sunburns and at times overexposure of skin to harmful UV rays can cause severe damage and it may also develop risks of skin cancer in some cases. thus the antioxidants can subside such risks and protect the skin from damage as it flush out cancer causing free radicals.

Water: it is the best source to keep the skin hydrated and devoid of all toxins and it also helps to keep your skin chubby. Water is of no use if had with sugar laden beverages, it should be 100% pure, clean and free from all germs to keep refreshing the skin cells. Healthy and hydrated skin cells exclude the toxin material and increase the nutrients level of the skin.

In a nutshell: in order to possess a fresh looking healthy skin one must elude high intake of sugar, fried foods, alcohol and white flour.

A healthy diet is a crux to a beautiful young looking skin !

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6 Tips to Achieve the Best Results With Flat Hair Iron

Given below are the best six things that you must be learn about flat iron hair styling:

1.) First of all what you need to do is judge your type of hair. This is compulsory to do, as there are few types of hair not meant for hair ironing.

2.) Second step would be to check the level of heat your hair can bear. So if just in case you wish to style your hair properly it is important o know the level of hat your hair can handle because the disadvantage of not knowing it can lead to chances of permanently damaging your hair.

3.) Before you begin to iron your tresses to make them look more beautiful always make sure that your hair should be as dry as possible to get the best of results. There are people webbed by perception that ironing your hair when wet is good. It is true but to achieve the best you must iron your hair when completely dry.

4.) Make use of a comb while ironing instead of using your hands. This will avoid tangling of hair strands after ironing delivering what you desire.

5.) The most easiest and best way to style your hair is to make it straight with hair iron. You can do this by placing the iron plates two inches away from the roots smoothly moving down the iron to the tips of your hair. But be careful while doing so.

6.) you can also create soft curls out of your hair by using flat iron only. What you are supposed to do is simply place the iron plates two inches away from the roots and wind your hair around the iron plates while moving it slowly to the tips.

These are the few tips you can apply while styling your hair to make them look beautiful, shiny and not to forget make them look different, so keep it stylish!!

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3 Easy Ways to Find a Good Dentist

Healthy and shiny teeth add on to a beautiful smile. It’s very important to look after your teeth and keep them in a condition, visiting a good dentist once in a month for the same proves to be beneficial. So if you are new to town or all set to for a change, selecting a new dentist is an imperative task. Ask a friend or a relative in the new area for a good dentist or if this option fails this is an article for you suggesting you few clever ways to find the best dentists in your town.

Listed below are the three ways to look for a dentist:

1. Use google search engine to make it easier for you. It will provide you with links of some of the best dentists available in your state and city you reside in. this is one of the best reference available to you.

2. You can also check with the Indian Dental Association (IDA). This will provide you with a list of dentists and would taper down your search while giving you an idea of the various options in your vicinity. The best part about this way is that IDA members are aware of the complete information related to the industry and are also boosted to acquire the advantage of the continuing education opportunities available to them.

3. The last options that you can try is surf the Internet where you can find options in abundance. Firstly, enter the city name followed by ‘dentistry’ or ‘dentist’. The advantage of this way is that you can get a lot of additional information such as dentist education and specialization. Such crucial and minute yet important information is at times not available in yellow pages ad or business listing.

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Why Are You Dieting!!

Are you planning to diet?? Well before you say YES make sure the reason you choose for it is right. This is to bring under your knowledge because most of the times people end up giving wrong reasons, which ultimately doesn’t work wonders for them but can create blunders for sure. The most important aspect one must keep in mind prior jumping for dieting is to find your own motivation.

So why do we switch to dieting??

1. Getting rid of those extra pounds is the reason why we opt for dieting. Many of us especially females suffer from self-obsession and it begins from viewing ourselves in the mirror and it is then we realize someday that we are overweight. So at this very point it hits our mind that we need to lose some kilos and get back to our old body.

2. To acquire that additional physical fitness people often term this as a reason for dieting. Probably it can also be due to the desire to be able to do more things with the family that becomes a constraint if you are not physically fit. For some people short walks are little difficult to take up hence dancing, biking etc are simply out of question.

 3. Self realization is very important to change ourselves. So it is at times the realization of the fact that we could be cutting down few years of our already shot life by being overweight. It remains a hardcore fact that many of the diseases like those of heart are detected more in people who are overweight than under weight people.

4. We all know after having a long tiring day of work we are left with no energy to take up any activity thereafter. But losing weight is great way to keep us healthy, active and full of energy all day long.
Sometimes even sleeping ways also affect your energy levels. This will directly affect your work production. All is need is little bit of motivation to lose any number of kilos.

As we say save the best for the last..lets conclude by remembering that we didn’t gain those extra pounds in a day so we will not be able to lose it in a day either.

So these are the few common reasons listed above that why people decide to go on for a diet. These may or may not be the best of reasons to opt for a diet. All you need to keep in mind is stay motivated and focused regardless of the reason you have to shed extra weight.

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Undeniably it is important but many of us ignore this fact due to n-number of reasons, for instance some say they don’t have enough time to prepare, some do not have enough food while others on diet stuck with an illusion that by not eating, they can cut down on calories.

Breakfast is not just a morning routine but if once we give it a thought, the interval between breakfast and dinner is of several hours. Our body glucose reserves are at minimum by the morning and hence it makes it important for us to refuel are body and rejuvenate are system by having a good healthy nutritious breakfast. We should eat breakfast not just because it is a morning routine. Few scientific facts further prove that people who eat breakfast are more likely to have:

- IMROVISED CONCENTRATION LEVELS: human brain requires glucose for its proper functioning, as glucose is a source of energy. Hence maintaining sufficient blood glucose level will accelerate brain functioning.

- PHYSICALLY ACTIVE WITH LONGER ENDURANCE: a day started with a healthy breakfast provides the body with high levels of energy, which in turn helps you to sustain whole day activity.

- DECREASED CHOLESTROL LEVEL: it is a proven fact that low cholesterol level reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Few studies reveal that people who eat breakfast consume less dietary cholesterol than people who skip their morning meal.

- BETTER WEIGHT CONTROL: a person feels less hungry during the day if he /she have had a healthy breakfast in the morning. It may also make you go for lighter meals or short meals as your next meal. Breakfast eaters usually acquire low-fat and low calorie diets whereas non breakfast eaters end up having anything that comes in their way to fill in their tummy’s as they feel hungry later in the day. Therefore it may lead to unhealthy diet that definitely is cause for obesity.

To unveil the importance of breakfast few researchers have stressed upon having breakfast as a low fat diet would help in modifying the platelets activation further reducing the risk of heart attacks, sudden deaths, strokes and prevent blood clot formation.

So wake people and get rid of your old habits. Make it a point to have a healthy nutritious breakfast every morning.

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